Ottawa Impact Extremism Spreads

No to Ottawa Impact

Traditionally the political parties do not endorse particular candidates before the primaries. In all fairness to candidates, having the party itself endorse a candidate is putting in the fix ahead of what should be a level playing field allowing candidates a chance to persuade the voters.

The Ottawa County GOP has thrown fairness out the window in favor of support for the most extreme candidates including all of the Ottawa Impact sworn commissioner candidates. What seemed to be limited to the county board of commissioners and local school boards has spread to the county GOP who is now in conflict with the state level GOP led by Republican Chair Pete Hoekstra. Ottawa Impact leader Joe Moss nominated former Chair Kristina Karamo who was later removed for a number of reasons including financial improprieties at a time when the party was near bankruptcy. The contested ousting of Karamo threw the party into chaos and was later decided by the courts. Everywhere extremists go, chaos follows.

The ultimate goal of extremism – is more extremism. Consider the convenient listing of candidates from the county Republican Endorsement Convention highlighted below in yellow as a voters guide of what candidates to NOT vote for in the upcoming August 6th primary.

Ottawa County Republican Endorsements

Quotes from non-OI candidates

I will not be attending the Ottawa County GOP endorsement convention tonight. I could walk on water and give a “Ronald Regan Time for Choosing” speech and still NOT change the minds of any of the Ottawa Impact Delegates at the convention. The vote tonight is rigged in favor of Ottawa Impact Candidates. I consider the convention election interference by the Ottawa County GOP.

Shawn Haff
– Sarah Matwiejczyk for Prosecutor
– Eric DeBoer for Ottawa County Sheriff


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