Lucy Ebel was recalled and lost to Democrat Christian Kleinjans, not because she is a Christian but because she seems to be confused about the role of County Commissioner.
District 2 made a dramatic statement regarding the role of Ottawa Impact in Ottawa County by voting for a Democrat in a traditionally Republican district. Not only did Lucy Ebel lose, but she lost by 20 points. Will Ottawa Impact hear the resounding where freedom rings from the voters in that astounding outcome?
The recall election will be a referendum on Ottawa Impact, Larry Jackson of Park Township said in an October statement. The malicious actions of Lucy Ebel, Joe Moss and the other Ottawa Impact commissioners continue to cause harm to the citizens of Ottawa County.
When asked what her accomplishments have been, Lucy Ebel assured the media that she would win because Ottawa County is conservative and they want to keep it that way. She cited the Constitutional County Resolution and other ideological resolutions made and passed by the OI commissioners. Most of the resolutions are either in conflict with state law or outside the jurisdiction of the county commissioners and therefore irrelevant to their jobs.
The commissioners continue to push ideology over good governance fomenting divisiveness amongst the residents often displayed in the public comments at commissioner meetings which sometimes last over four hours.
The war on the health department, multiple legal battles with expensive legal representation, and now a possible 60% increase in commissioner salaries all lend credence to a board that is out of control.
I never paid much attention to the county commissioners before, they just did their jobs. Now I don’t dare look away or they will pull another stunt and get our county in the national news again and I won’t know anything about it. People from out of state ask me “What’s the heck is going on in Ottawa County?” It is embarrassing.
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