Resolution to Protect Childhood Innocence
Ottawa County board of commissioners passed the following Resolution to Protect Childhood Innocence at the June 27th, 2023 commissioners board meeting.
Weaponization of Children
The Resolution to Protect Childhood Innocence is, of course, not about protecting children at all, but a tactic commonly employed by extremists, to use the concept of protecting children as a weapon against any and all activities or ideas not compatible with, in this case, their Christian Nationalist agenda.
A contemporary example of this tactic is DeSantis, the governor of Florida publicly accused Disney of Sexualization of Children. Like Ottawa County no specifics are included in the accusation.
Commentary by Ottawa Impact commissioners specifically targeted the presence of the Public Health Department at the first ever Grand Haven Pride Event attended by many Ottawa County residents, claiming their presence is an endorsement of risky behavior. The following public commentary is a well researched rebuttal to the commissioners accusations that the mere presence of a pride event sexualizes children.
Promoting Childhood Ignorance
The solution to child sexualization promoted by conservative evangelical religion is to keep children ignorant of any and all social and sexual information. They oppose sex education, any and all literature, art and social events that do not conform to their view of a society where anyone other than Christians even exist. They feel it is their right, nay, their obligation to rid society of any influences that do not conform to their particular Christian values. Values that not even all Christians may agree with.
The Resolution to Protect Childhood Innocence names no specific target or any proof that such targeted activity sexualizes children. This broad pronouncement can then be used against any organization, event, person or activity they so choose to proclaim it harmful to children. Since no unbiased arbiter is named who would judge what is and what is not harmful, these nine arrogant Ottawa Impact religious bigots will decide within their own limited expertise without input or oversight.
I use the word bigot, not as derogatory name calling, but in the true meaning of the word. A person who is unreasonably prejudiced against a person or idea. Christian Nationalists believe this country and Ottawa County in particular should be a Christian Nation and a Christian County to the exclusion of any other religion or non-religious group. Their public commentary supports this conclusion.
Throughout history knowledge has been the solution to religious ignorance. The world is not flat, witches should not be burned at the stake, an adulterous woman should not be stoned. Teaching children about sex and sexual predators protects them. Schools should cover Stranger Danger as part of early adolescent education. The solution to teenage pregnancy is not telling girls to hold an aspirin between their knees but a solid education in biology and how the human body works. Telling teenage boys masturbation is a sin and will make you go blind is antithesis of how to control the overwhelming effects of teenage hormones. The idea that knowledge of sex encourages children to have promiscuous irresponsible sex is an unsubstantiated myth. Teaching children to discern between right and wrong is the parent’s and the church’s rightful obligation and responsibility. Keeping children in ignorance is not.
Religion’s Abuse of Children
Ironically at the Ottawa County board of commissioners where the resolution to protect children’s innocence was passed, a public comment was made by an Ottawa County resident describing her abuse and others by her own church.
The abuse of children by religious leaders or followers is particularly onerous since they loudly proclaim their supposed protection of children. The Able & Harlow study shows 93% of sex offenders identify as religious. Of the 260 criminal sexual conduct cases in Ottawa County involving children as reported in the resolution, how many were perpetrated by good church going Christians I wonder? On the other hand how many do you suppose were perpetrated by drag queens? Which do we need to protect children from?
The Catholic church protected child abusers for years. There are now approximately 11,000 allegations against 4,392 priests. The Southern Baptists similarly protected a list of child abusers and have approximately 700 allegations against 380 clergy. The all time winner is the religiously affiliated Boy Scouts with over 80,000 allegations involving the abuse of young boys.
The Real Goal – Christian Nationalism
The Ottawa Impact commissioners have already proclaimed Ottawa County a Constitutional County. As part of that imaginary and legally unsupportable declaration is the idea the county is or can be the ultimate authority, superseding all state and federal laws or mandates. This titillates extremist religious authoritarians to think they can and should create their Christian nirvana at the expense of any and all other residents of Ottawa County.
Do not be fooled, the Ottawa Impact commissioners follow the agenda of Ottawa Impact as pronounced by Joe Moss and Sylvia Rhodea. As long as they can use the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners to promote their agenda they will continue to do so in ever more extreme ways. Arguing against their demagoguery is an exercise in futility. These people must be removed as soon as democratically possible.
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