Ottawa County Christian Nationalists

Ottawa County Christian Nationalism

Alternative Facts

Kellyanne Conway accidentally spoke truth in a 2017 Meet the Press interview saying there are alternative facts. While ridiculed for the statement it has proven to be true. Christian Nationalists live in an alternate reality where:

  • The 2020 election was stolen and Donald Trump is still president
  • World leaders and democrats are pedophiles and human sex traffickers
  • The founding fathers intended for the country to be a theocratic Christian nation with a state religion
  • More people have died from vaccines than from Covid
  • The pandemic mandates were designed to be an attack on Christian schools and churches
  • Drag queens are after your children
  • Libraries are full of dirty books that must be banned
  • There is such a thing as a Constitutional County where the Sheriff and County Prosecutor are the highest authority superseding state and federal laws
  • As stated by former Vice President Pence, God’s laws supersede all other laws at the discretion of a religious person

The reality most citizens live in, none of the above statements are real. For Christian Nationalists at least some or all are true. How did we get to such a widespread psychotic break?

OI Christian Collision

Ottawa County commissioners should be about infrastructure and services, not fighting endless culture wars.

Some politically active Christians consider it name calling when they are referred to as Christian Nationalists. However, their actions match those of the Christian Nationalist movement and therefore it is proper to distinguish between Christians and Christian Nationalists.

Defending the Public Square

The neutrality of the public square is under attack from the Supreme Court and Christian Nationalists. We abolished Whites Only Drinking Fountains in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Now the Supreme Court has made it a Christian virtue to only create Christian approved wedding cakes and Christian approved websites.

Providing a service does not reasonably imply your approval of how that service is used or the person who purchased the service. Christians have become the annoying noisy neighbor who feel it their right to comment on everything and everyone. Much of the culture war angst is about things that are no one else’s business!

We cannot pretend to champion human rights everywhere else, but not in our own backyard. The OI Commissioners spoke disparagingly about the Gay Pride Festival held in Grand Haven, a city council approved gathering. Christian concerts in the same venue is all right even though not everyone is Christian, but not Gay Pride based solely on Christian Nationalist’s disapproval of it.

Worshiping the Orange God

The culmination of the Christian Nationalist movement is demonstrated in the release of a video that could easily be classified as sacrilegious and has been denounced by some Christian leaders.

Is this person and those who idolize him the people you want to lead the country and the commissioners you want representing Ottawa County?



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