
Who, besides his wife, really cares if Donald Trump had an affair with a porn star and a Playboy Playmate of the Month. Who even cares that he clumsily tried to cover it up and claims he never had an affair after arranging to pay her $130,000 by devious means. Stormy who?
The speculation of jail time is illogical as historically he has always received a slap on the wrist and a fine. Money he unapologetically collects from his adoring MAGA followers who illogically share their disability checks with the multi-billionaire. His illegal transgressions include the Trump University fraud (25M), Trump Foundation illegal use of funds (dissolved in 2018 by the court and a 2M fine), Trump Organization 15-year tax fraud scheme for top executives (1.6M), Trump Organization fraud of grossly inflating net worth and real estate properties (350M), to the sexual abuse judgment of E. Jean Carroll (5M) followed by the defamation suit (83.3M). For most this would show a long history of criminality and legal leniency. To his followers it is hailed as evidence of a witch hunt and weaponizing the legal system. Trump says If they can do this to me they can do it to anyone. Um, no, because most of us have never slept with a porn star, cheated on our taxes or exorbitantly exaggerated our property values to get a mortgage or loan. No, Mr. Trump, they won’t be coming for us next.
What we should care about is the systematic attacks on the legal system each and every time a judgment is not favorable to the MAGA mob. Some of the rhetoric is expected. There are no guilty men in prison, they are all innocent and wrongly convicted. The subtle and not so subtle threats of violence, revenge, and defamation by those sworn to uphold the constitution and laws of the land, are not.

Accusing judges and jurors of political lawfare without a shred of evidence to back it up is inexcusable for a public official like former President Trump or Speaker Mike Johnson.
A jury of 12 citizens was selected from a random sampling as they always are. The complaint they are all Democrats is illogical as we do not select jurors based on their political party. The judge and the lawyers spent their time picking through the candidates and it was widely publicized they hoped for a disguised MAGA cultist willing to commit perjury and save their orange God at the expense of their own integrity, which of course, they would willingly sacrifice. It is a miracle that anyone is convicted of anything in this country as it is impossible to get 12 people to agree on what to have for lunch let alone a unanimous conviction. While MAGA cultists might march in lock step to McDonalds for Big Macs, Democrats would never find a single restaurant to cover their needs ranging from tofu burgers to a decent coffee bar expresso. I am grateful we don’t speak Spanish as having to choose gender for our nouns would make liberal extremist heads explode. The very thought that Democrats could work together to rig a conviction is ludicrous.
The escalation of charges from misdemeanor to felony is also not unprecedented depending on the circumstances of the offense. We see charges escalated for all kinds of reasons such as a minor being tried as an adult because of the severity of the crime. The whining from the right has reached a nerve racking pitch while Hunter Biden has been under investigation for six years and is currently on trial and if Democrats even acknowledge it, it is with a shrug.
Ottawa County

Similarly in Ottawa County the Libertas Christian school was forced to close temporarily during the pandemic for not complying with certain health mandates. The case was taken to court and after throwing everything including the kitchen sink at it: the mandates are unconstitutional, religious freedom, religious animus, ectara; the actions of the health department were ruled appropriate.
Irrespective of that ruling the Ottawa Impact commissioners began their first meeting after being elected and sworn into office in a binge of preplanned revenge. First, the firing of John Shay the county administrator without cause (210K in severance plus 12 months health benefits) and the subsequent appointment of John Gibbs without proper hiring procedures who inexplicably required an executive aid (81K) and was later fired.
Followed by the attempt to fire the Health Department Director for no cause and replace her with conspiracy theorist Nathan Kelly incurring numerous legal fees. After an ill-advised 4 million severance deal gone bad, exactly nothing was accomplished and Director Hambley is still in place.

To assist and further the legal conflicts the commissioners caused, they appointed the Kallman Legal Group, an expensive legal office from Lansing (not Ottawa County). It is estimated Kallman is bleeding the county at approximately 35K per month. Over budget for 2023, the county had to take $110K from emergency funds just for legal expenses.
The lesson to be learned here is seeing the pattern of creating a legal conflict by their actions and then blaming the justice system when it rules against them. I shudder to think what will happen in Ottawa County when, not if, another national emergency occurs. The country can ill afford to have the MAGA mob working against the legitimate government during a crises. It makes our country and our county weak and ineffective.
Not convinced yet? Let us take a look at the resolutions passed by the Ottawa Impact commissioners. Many of the resolutions are outside the jurisdiction of the board of commissioners and some state positions in direct conflict with state or federal law.
Resolution to Protect Life

This anti-abortion diatribe is in direct conflict to Michigan’s constitution to preserve the right for each women to choose. The resolution presumes personhood at the moment of conception, a very controversial and divisive ideology.
Resolution to Protect Childhood Innocence

This innocent sounding resolution so far has only been used to demonize the work of the health department, gays, or anyone not conforming to the narrow definition of appropriate sexual behavior as decided by evangelical religious conservatives.
Constitutional County

In plain language this resolution instructs and encourages the county to directly oppose any law or regulation it deems unconstitutional.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board affirms its support for the Ottawa County Sheriff and the Ottawa County Prosecuting Attorney acting in a constitutional manner and acknowledges and respects their respective oaths of office. The Board strongly encourages them to continuously act in a constitutional manner, as is consistent with their oath of office, and, in the exercise of their duties, not enforce any statute, Law, rule, order, or regulation that is contrary to the rights protected by the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Michigan; and
Ottawa County Constitutional County Resolution
Jon Anderson for Sheriff
Jon Anderson was appointed in March as temporary county administrator after the firing of John Gibbs. He is the owner of the Bullet Hole Firearms and Training facility in Holland. As a candidate for county sheriff, his website promotes his belief in the right of county sheriffs and prosecutors to decide the constitutionality of state and federal laws, regulations and orders.
Jon is a highly decorated law enforcement officer who resides in Grand Haven Township with his wife Anita and their dog Luna. With an impressive career as a retired sheriff’s commander, Jon brings extensive experience and expertise to the table. He knows the challenges facing Ottawa County, particularly with the current administration in Lansing pushing laws out that are directly or indirectly in violation of our constitutional rights. Jon’s commitment to preserving our rights, coupled with his vast law enforcement experience and desire to make a difference, make him the only choice for Sheriff.
Jon has dedicated his entire life to law enforcement and the vow to uphold the Constitution. His unwavering belief in freedom drives him to ensure that every citizen’s rights and freedoms are protected at all costs. Jon will stop at nothing to protect the citizens from any unjust orders or laws that threaten their freedom, standing as a steadfast guardian against any violations of our Constitution.
Christian Nationalist MAGA Country?

The push continues and this upcoming election may solidify Ottawa Impact’s push to make Ottawa County Christian Nationalist’s MAGA Country. Regardless of your political, religious affiliation, or beliefs we should be able to agree that Ottawa County is better served by keeping the culture wars and the endless political games out of county governance.
The lesson to be learned from Trump and the Ottawa Impact commissioners:
- Extremist activities such as no cause firings, appointing unqualified loyalists, and fighting endless court battles is expensive and a waste of tax dollars.
- Property taxes increase every year, those tax dollars should be spent on county infrastructure and necessary services not to spread any particular group’s ideology. Do we really need a propaganda department or 60% raises for fulltime commissioners?
- If every county in Michigan were to adopt a constitutional county agenda, the state and the country would become an Afghanistan like system of warlords and fiefdoms. The unlawful constitutional county resolution should be rescinded and the county reassured that Ottawa County honors the rule of law and our system of justice. (An apology wouldn’t hurt either!)
- In the future county commissioners should be limited to make resolutions and policies only on the activities and resources they have direct responsibility for.
Republicans used to stand for limited government and fiscal responsibility. After the last two years of Ottawa Impact county control, it is a goal even Democrats yearn for. Help return the county to common sense governance. Vote for non-Ottawa Impact candidates.
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