The Ottawa Impact Only Club Strikes Again
The Ottawa Impact dominated Board of Commissioners is finally getting around to replacing their misguided appointment of John Gibbs. If you have forgotten what a mess that was, let me remind you here. Not only did they fire John Gibbs back in February but we can still look forward to the lawsuit he has filed against the county in regards to his dismissal.
Jon Anderson was assigned as temporary administrator. You remember him, the constitutional sheriff candidate. The one who would decide what laws or executive orders from Lansing are constitutional or not. His employment has been extended through December 31st.
Generally when hiring new staff you want to put together a well rounded interview committee including professional HR as well as knowledge worker staff. There will be well defined requirements in the job description with transparency to everyone who will interface with the new person being added to the team. Right?
No! The Executive Transition Committee will consist of Ottawa Impact commissioners only:
- Joe Moss
- Sylvia Rhodea
- Gretchen Cosby
- Allison Miedema
- Roger Belknap
The same group of ideological zealots who appointed John Gibbs without proper interviewing or mandatory job requirements will now select the next administrator. Is there any doubt the candidate selected will be a loyalist regardless of other more qualified candidates? Can we expect yet another lawsuit for improper hiring procedures?
I don’t expect a simple thing like being able to participate on this five-member all-Ottawa Impact commission board. That’s like asking a leopard to change its spots. You’re not going to do that. What I’m asking for is to be able to at least see the process taking place as a commissioner. And not just me, but all commissioners have access to see that process take place – Commissioner Jacob Bonnema
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