
Mission Statement

We abhor extremism from both the right and the left. The only hope for our country is a coalition of moderates to return compromise and common sense to our government.

We are not…

  • the Ottawa County website, nor are we affiliated with the government in any way.
  • part of or beholden to any political or religious organization.
  • asking for money, membership, or any private information for purposes of creating donor lists, advertising or any other purpose.

We are…

  • providing a safe space for thoughtful commentary about the recent changes to our local county government.
  • a repository for articles, comments and resources regarding Ottawa County, directly or indirectly.
  • interested in your thoughts and comments about the current political and governance of Ottawa County.

Rules of Participation

  • Submit plain text articles via the contact page to be posted as main discussion topics.
    • All articles are moderated before posting.
    • Articles must be civil, truthful to the best of the author’s knowledge, and cannot call for violence of any kind.
    • If you prefer to send formatted Word or Libre documents, you must first send a verifiable email address. An email address will be returned where you can send attachments.
  • Comment on discussion topics in a civil manner.
    • Because our world is now full of hackers and spammers, it is necessary for all comments to be moderated before posting.
    • Personal name calling is not useful commentary.
    • Like Hallmark there seems to be a Bible verse for all occasions. Opposing views will also be able to find an equally vague verse to quote. We are interested in your thoughts, not your ability to reference scripture.
    • Opposing views will be treated with respect when respectfully submitted.
  • Privacy Statement